
Introduction to cerium oxide polishing fluid


Cerium oxide polishing fluid is a cerium oxide polishing fluid with micron or submicron CeO2 as the abrasive, which has the characteristics of good dispersion, fine particle size, uniform particle size distribution, moderate hardness and so on. Cerium dioxide microparticle size standard material GBW12024, GBW12025, GBW12026 is suitable for gem, high precision optical instruments, optical lenses, integrated circuits and other aspects of precision polishing. In order to break the situation that the polishing of precision instrument depends on import.

At present, most of the precision polishing of microelectronic devices in the world is monopolized by foreign companies. Although the polishing precision is high, the cost is also very high. The research and development of nanoscale cerium oxide polishing fluid makes it possible to replace foreign products and has a huge market space.

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