
  • Cerium oxide manufacturer cerium oxide specifications

    Light yellow or yellowish brown powder. Density 7.13g /cm3. Melting point is 2397 ℃. Insoluble in water and base, slightly soluble in acids. Under the temperature of 2000 ℃ and 15 mpa pressure, can be achieved by hydrogen reduction cerium oxide, cerium ox

    2020-03-06 1135

  • Use of cerium oxide

    Generally speaking, common cerium oxide has cerium trioxide and cerium dioxide. They are widely used in semiconductor materials, pigments and sensitizers for photosensitive glass, automobile exhaust purifiers.

    2020-03-06 1116

  • Cerium oxide -- cerium dioxide

    Cerium oxide is the general term for cerium oxide. Common people have cerium trioxide and cerium dioxide. Cerium trioxide has a hexagonal structure of rare earth sesquioxide, with a melting point of 2210℃ and a boiling point of 3730℃. Sensitive to air. Ex

    2020-03-06 1122

  • How should cerium oxide leakage be treated?

    Today we're going to look at emergency preparedness, what can we do for the sake of personal safety and for the sake of business? When a fire occurs, do not panic, remain calm, and avoid using direct running water to extinguish the fire. Call the police,

    2020-03-06 1093

  • The development of cerium oxide

    Development history of cerium oxide: 1. In the 1930s, rare earth oxides as polishing powders were first used to polish glass in Europe. During world war ii, rare earth polishing powders were quickly successful in polishing precision optical instruments.

    2020-03-06 1105

  • The use of yttrium oxide in steel

    Yttrium oxide is used as an additive in steel and nonferrous alloys. FeCr alloys typically contain 0.5-4% yttrium, which enhances the oxidation resistance and ductility of these stainless steels. After adding an appropriate amount of yttrium-rich mixed ra

    2020-03-06 1025

  • Changzhou cerium oxide manufacturer nano structure

    Nanostructure is a new system based on nanoscale material units. It includes nanometer array system, mesoporous assembly system, thin film Mosaic system. Research on nanoarray systems focuses on binary systems formed by metal or semiconductor nanoparticle

    2020-03-06 1108

  • Changzhou cerium oxide manufacturers development

    With the rapid development of science and technology in the field of cerium oxide production and application in the world and China, the production technology of cerium oxide also develops rapidly. In the fierce market competition, the research and develo

    2020-03-06 1057

  • Definition of nanomaterials

    Nanostructure is a new system based on nanoscale material units. It includes nanometer array system, mesoporous assembly system, thin film Mosaic system. Research on nanoarray systems focuses on binary systems formed by metal or semiconductor nanoparticle

    2020-03-06 1225

  • Application of nanometer zirconia

    Nano-zirconia powder has important application value in defense, electronics, high temperature structure and functional ceramics, especially in surface coating and other high-tech fields. 1, nano zirconia can be used in high strength, high toughness wear

    2020-03-06 1151


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